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LearntBoutDemGMOs9 karma

What "track record"?

LearntBoutDemGMOs8 karma

Do you think more GMOs with varying MOAs would help mitigate those risks while still allowing the farmers to capitalize on all the benefits?

LearntBoutDemGMOs7 karma

" In the 1960's the Government, by exercising special statutory authority, required the companies to enter into the Agent Orange production contracts over the explicit objection of at least one of the companies. See Defense Production Act of 1950 (DPA), 50 U. S. C. App. §2061 et seq. (1988 ed. and Supp. V); App. 8-9, 23-24. http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/94-818.ZD.html

LearntBoutDemGMOs7 karma

Dr. Oz! UGH! Let me add to my own question. Why do supposedly educated people spread this fear? He is surgeon but I watched him tell people there are fish-tomatoes hiding in the grocery store!?!? What the heck?!

LearntBoutDemGMOs7 karma

"The U.S. Department of Defense developed these tactical herbicides specifically to be used in “combat operations.” They were not commercial grade herbicides purchased from chemical companies and sent to Vietnam. - See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/basics.asp#sthash.iOrRp4dj.dpuf"