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Learjet45dream13 karma

When I read about the program you created and your story behind creating it, I was a bit surprised to see that it costs $50. With that being said, my question is: do the profits from the software sales go to any sort of charity or similar, or is it a for-profit business venture with the goal of making money?

My apologies if this is somewhere on the website. I'm on my phone and browsing the website is somewhat difficult.

Learjet45dream2 karma

Thanks for your response (I haven't had great luck getting responses to AMAs in the past.)

As a follow up, do you think you would smoke recreationally if you didn't have Crohn's disease? I ask because one of my main qualms with people smoking marijuana before was that it was illegal, although I am pro-legalization and voted to legalize in Colorado.

And not related to you smoking, do you like CO better or FL? I'm a Colorado native, although I spent 4 years living in Tallahassee from 2003-2007 as a kid, and I absolutely hated Florida. I realized I hated it even more than I first thought after moving back. Mostly due to the weather (too much rain, too humid, and so damn hot [my family would joke saying Florida had 2 seasons: hot and hotter] all the time). I also disliked being in such a small city compared to the Denver metro area where I've spent the rest of my life, although the larger cities I visited like Jacksonville and Tampa made FL more tolerable for me.

Learjet45dream1 karma

Thank you very much for your response! I thought that would be the case, but I wanted to double check!

Learjet45dream1 karma

Not at all related to your military experience, but why is your username denverblows?

Learjet45dream1 karma

Haha, makes perfect sense.

But fuck the raiders, amiright?