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LeStiqsue22 karma

I humbly request that you try to discover things that you like about people whose political proclivities you dislike.

People are people. We should, as much as we can, be excellent to each other. Thanks for coming to my Bill and Ted talk.

LeStiqsue22 karma

Historically speaking, the value of lives in Russia is exceedingly low compared to Western countries.

They're recruited, trained, and mentally molded into the purest of psychopaths. I haven't run into them myself, but I've seen videos in non-public forums...let's just say, I believe this guy. I've got a pretty skeptical eye on some of the things he's said, but I believe him on this.

LeStiqsue9 karma

Hey guys. I'm halfway through my MS in Cybersecurity, and spend a ton of time these days combing through NIST publications. What is the biggest shortfall or blind spot in cybersecurity policy that you know of?

LeStiqsue5 karma

I worked with CanSOF once. Dudes are a special breed of fucking crazy. If their Intel guys are anything like that, be afraid. Mad respect, but be afraid.

I love me some SEALs and Deltas, but CanSOF goes straight Roman Empire on bad guys.

LeStiqsue1 karma

So if you're still answering questions, I have one about autism in adults.

I have not been diagnosed with autism, and I wouldn't expect you to attempt that over the internet -- so that's not what I'm asking for here. The thing that I'm wondering is whether there is any hereditary link for autism...because both of my daughters are on the spectrum.

And man, some of the things they do are awfully familiar to me.

I am a creature of extremely detailed habit. I can describe how I make my coffee every morning, down to the number of minutes it takes for the water to heat up. I'm an intelligence worker in the Air Force, and I'm a rigid master of my processes -- it's like a program is running in my head, and I know exactly what to do. Deviations from the program are initially difficult, until I figure out the proper sequence of responses afterward...and then, I'm never wrong again.

I think...I might be slightly on that spectrum too, and I'm working on getting an appointment with a specialist to see what they think. I'm just wondering, is this something I passed to my kids?

Because that would kinda suck.