Highest Rated Comments

Lckychrmzz4 karma

I had corrective breast surgery after my first child. I went with silicone, under the muscle and in the crease. I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my second child. (At the moment actually!) I did battle low supply with both but it took some work and my baby is happy and healthy. Good for you for getting the surgery. Its the best thing I ever did for myself. Dont worry, the swelling goes down and then they drop into place. The first couple months they look really odd. I am 3yrs post op and LOVE mine.

Lckychrmzz1 karma

Have you had a patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or RSD? How do they get relief from it?

Lckychrmzz1 karma

I was diagnosed in 2001. I have tried just about everything to help with the pain. The thing that worked the best was gabapetin and acupuncture. Although, it really just took the edge off. Thank you for the work you do. Neurologist are pretty awesome and deserve a ton of respect!