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Lazy_McLazington4 karma

How does rolling back 50 years of arms control agreements, climate change, and disruptive technologies not put the world at a much greater risk? Sure we aren't at the same risk of everything ending in an afternoon but if we are talking about risk of the end of human civilization I'd say we are really running on the margins and trending towards worse outcomes.

Lazy_McLazington2 karma

Hey Daniel, Rachel, and Sivan! Thank you for taking time out of your day to do this.

With the 2020 election around the corner we might see a new president in office. If that happens, what advice would you give to the next president of the United States in regards to nuclear proliferation?

Follow up question: What do you think would be the most reasonable path towards nuclear disarmament?

Lazy_McLazington2 karma

Care to explain?

Lazy_McLazington1 karma

Oh, I'm fully aware of just how close, on several occasions, US and Russia came to ending all life on Earth.

However, I don't think people today realize how mindlessly we are walking into a situation even more dangerous than the cold war was. During the cold war we only really had 2 countries, the United States and Russia, that were on the cusp of nuclear war. However, with the dismantling of safeguards imposed by arms control treaties and the lack of non-proliferation leadership in the world today we are not only setting ourselves up for the exact same hair-trigger like readiness between the US and Russia, but the proliferation of nuclear weapons has set up hotspots of conflict between the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran; India and Pakistan; Russia and China; North Korea, South Korea, and the US. The number of nuclear weapons states have almost doubled since the signing of the NPT, and I'm certain that with our current trend of arms control we aren't stopping.

We have moved on from facing 1 cold war in the 1950's-80's and have now moved on to potentially facing 4 cold wars throughout the globe with no sign of deescalation.