Highest Rated Comments

Lance77366 karma

My guesses would be:

Possibility 1) Loves a guy in Uniform.

2) Knows that if anyone gets out of line can just whisper to the CO/NCOIC and it's handled. Plus on military charters the people flying aren't expecting to be catered to hand and food, they're just happy they're not on a C-17/C-5.

Lance7797 karma

That's assuming the C-17 is a cargo and you're in the side seats with plenty of extra space and not too many PAX. But if you were in one of these: https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6183/6106570504_668937af6b_b.jpg

Then you're stuck in your seat and it's considerably less comfy than when going with cargo.

Lance7762 karma

My Sister got SSDI for chronic depression/bipolar disorder. She was denied repeatedly, however her suicide was sufficient evidence at the appeal, so her son got a shitty consolation prize I guess. Its definitely not an easy process no navigate, especially for those already struggling with mental health issues.

Lance7714 karma

"My anecdotal evidence is better than our anecdotal evidence, so nyeah!"

Lance774 karma

You could also look at it as balls drive families apart, but losing the balls bring them together again.