Highest Rated Comments

LJM525224 karma

Firstly, thanks for your kind comments.
1) From what I saw the info was accurate... which is awesome because there are times things get lost in translation 2) Ha! No! It has never worked, though I have heard of cyclists "pricking" themselves to fix something. Dude, desperate times call for desperate measures and I was desperate to do whatever I could to cross that finish line. Some girl in the race handed me the pin and made a stabbing motion... so I did exactly that. 3) Bone Shaker by Amsterdam Brewery is my go to when I'm home in Ontario. 4) I have two - Seeing my family after running at Pan Ams in Toronto Seeing a video of my niece running laps around the kitchen after I set the marathon record. As she ran she proclaimed "I'll be LaLa's record... watch this"

LJM525219 karma

Ohhhh... that's a good question. I love the hoppy beers but fear they'd be brutal to chug. I'd have to go with good ol' Canadian beer and hope to be around 7:30 - 8 min mark (marathon speed haha)

LJM525218 karma

I usu break the race down into 5km portions and focus on my goals each segment - how is my body feeling, what other ladies are around me, can I handle pressing the pace a bit. Towards the end of the 5km there is usually a fluid station that I gear up for and then it's back to the same 5km protocol

LJM525216 karma

I have an affinity for ping pong balls

I actually have learned a lot about my stride pattern through using different analysis tools. I believe you should not mess with your natural stride too much, but there are things that can tweaked to make you more efficient and less injury prone. For the most part it's the lack of movement in my rib cage/mid back that we are trying to work on so that I can take some of the stress off of my hips.

LJM525216 karma

Ahhhh... I have learned to change the auto correct on my phone so that it knows I do not mean "duck" ;P