Highest Rated Comments

LGM_5 karma

Glad you asked this one, and totally agree on this one, we did drop the ball here. And glad to announce better T-Drive system use is already in our testing version, we've got the shader and VFX looking cool, and now are tweaking it, it will either be an in-game cutscene and jump, or a continuous warp-like jump across the map, depends on hardware atm. We're leaning towards the latter, a continuous warpy fly-through.

LGM_4 karma

I am pretty sure you can check this out when you trade cards(there is steam fee and developer fee applied and to each trade). I think they are very minor compared to game price. And our publisher is in charge for that. For the exact details ask Gabe :P

LGM_3 karma

We would like to support Wii U but can't because of technical reasons.

There might be support for other consoles but no promises yet!

LGM_2 karma

One of our main features is big and open sandbox world. If we had to remove or change this it would make a poor demo.

At the moment we feel that our limited resources(12 developers, including outside help) development time is better used for improving the final product instead of working on a demo which can't possibly deliver the same experience.