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KuriousKhemicals84 karma

Drunk people often avoid injuries that sober people would get under the same circumstances, because they're more relaxed and their reflexes are slowed so they don't tense up against an impact, for example. Unfairly, this often means drunk drivers walk away basically fine from crashes they caused that severely hurt or killed other parties involved.

KuriousKhemicals49 karma

But note, it was discussed with the family here in the US. It wasn't done surreptitiously. There's always a miraculous chance that someone may recover from incidents that the higher brain normally can't survive, but doctors have to make their best assessment based on probabilities. And when it tips the other way arguably it is equally or more gruesome - I wouldn't want to be kept technically alive for 15 years like Terry Schiavo.

KuriousKhemicals45 karma

Have you asked about taking birth control continuously? XX females who take it for contraception don't actually need the withdrawal bleeding/period part, even if the patient has no natural periods or irregular periods for other reasons (e.g. eating disorders, PCOS).

KuriousKhemicals36 karma

When would autopsies normally be done that the guy was unwilling to do? I would have assumed in most cases if a patient dies in hospital, it would be clearly identified what killed them and thus an autopsy wouldn't normally be done unless the doctor hadn't come to a confident diagnosis before they died. I thought autopsies were usually for people who died unexpectedly at home.

KuriousKhemicals31 karma

Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube has a video about a woman with uterus didelphys who got pregnant on both sides! Turned out fine as I recall but definitely was a big question mark, and not something that happens often enough to have statistics and really know what the chances are.