Highest Rated Comments

Kovukono2 karma

What about replayability in those titles? That's the biggest problem I'd see. Multiple endings would provide some, but that also requires (generally) that you play through the same story without more than minor changes, your character's choices often never rippling out further than the very end of the story. Heavy Rain seems to be one of the few that goes against the grain, but even then the changes are somewhat minor (a character missing from a scene, added dialogue options, etc.) and don't really make it great to play through again. I haven't played DE yet (plan to buy tonight), but the reason I've held out so long is I don't know if it will be worth even the reduced $5 entrance fee. Most games can offer differing combat difficulties, new game modes based on combat, or online multiplayer (again, based on combat). It seems like the cost of making these games is prohibitive, given the low price they must offer for limited content. If you can offer information to the contrary, please do--being able to act out a touching novel sounds great, but I can't see it happening.

Edit: I accidentally added piano a word.

Kovukono1 karma

Not really a question--just wanted to tell you guys I loved RUSH, it was a lot of fun.

Kovukono1 karma

Given its roguelike nature, will the game have an end and a game-over once you finish the story/encounter, or will you basically be allowed to fly for as long as you can survive? If the latter's the case, how much "endgame" content is there expected to be?