Highest Rated Comments

KonnivingKiwi2 karma

Mate, I'll be onboard for batch testing and word of mouth marketing if you start making chips. Blair's is great, but he uses too much sugar for me and nullifies a lot of the heat. There's so little competition you should go for it.

I'll give hotmaple a try. Cheers.

KonnivingKiwi1 karma

Hey Dylan - What's your best sauce for drinking/snacking on?

I like heat and flavour. I take down a bottle of 'Pain is Good - Habanero' by Original Juan every couple of days. What do you recommend I try?

PS: Why so few Melinda's products? Red Savina is my kryptonite. I can't keep that around for more than a day.

PPS: Is Blair ever going to get back to making chips? I heard his personal life kinda buggered things up for him :(

PPPS: I saw you have Da Bomb - Ghost pepper nuts! Aren't they fantastic? I really have to exercise self-control with those.

Apologies for the long post. It's not everyday you get to discuss your passion with another chilihead! Plus, It's not weird that I openly admit to drinking hot sauce daily. You're as strange as me, I'm sure.