Highest Rated Comments

KobraCola164 karma

Not to mention, Darden mentions in this thread that he "lost more than 20 pounds and 2 teeth, had 4 root canals, and God knows what else". What was entertainment for everyone else seems like it was torturous for him. I sincerely doubt he wants to relive that in any manner, even just a fictional retelling.

KobraCola157 karma

This is the best possible answer.

KobraCola84 karma

Um, this guy's aware that our government is not a theocracy right? His ENTIRE argument is based on religion...... Last time I checked you don't have to be Christian to serve in government. Hell, I grew up Catholic (now atheist) and I'm pretty offended right now.

KobraCola30 karma

well it makes both of them awesome