Highest Rated Comments

KnickersInAKnit45 karma

What's the one thing about your genitalia that surprises people the most? Aside from the initial reveal.

KnickersInAKnit11 karma

Hey Lanipator, congrats on your engagement! Here's to a happy union between you and your wife-to-be!

My questions: 1: How does Kaiser get all the editing done in 2 to 3 weeks? I've got a group of friends dicking around with FMA:Brotherhood as an abridged series and it takes our editor ~2 months to get stuff together. What kind of Adobe Premiere magic is he doing to achieve that kind of time frame?

2: How does it feel to be the 'gold standard' of abridged series out there, where if people want to try their hand at making one, there's the inevitable comparison to teamfourstar that follows in regards to humor, editing quality, voices etc.

KnickersInAKnit7 karma

Greatest misconceptions about your career? Most difficult ones to change?

KnickersInAKnit6 karma

Can you name some really odd-looking fruits that you've seen? Out of those, which ones had the most unexpected tastes?

KnickersInAKnit3 karma

Yo, MasakoX!

You mentioned your weight loss earlier in the thread - I had a while back seen you in some very early vids and I have to say, the change is astounding. My hat off to you, sir.

On to questions - do you know how aware the English VAs of are of DBZA? Have any of them bumped into you (or any other T4S member) at cons and recognized you/them?