Highest Rated Comments

KmartQuality157 karma

There was a mention on an ABC show that they did use "modified air" but they also seriously trained. Kate Winslet apparently got up 6+ minutes in one breath. The guy who plays Jake was the worst at it. He couldn't get the hang of it and didn't like it.

KmartQuality8 karma

Ive always had intolerable pain in my ears beyond 3 or 4 meters. I've tried everything my friends tell me works for them.

One day I tried scuba, against my desires. I thought it would be a waste of money. Boy, was I wrong. Absolutely no pain at all. It was wonderful being able to relax and look at things.

Do you have any pro tips so I can use a snorkel and dive deeper? I would really like to participate more when my friends go abalone fishing.

KmartQuality7 karma

I saw the movie too. It's not a big plot point.

It's like c3po being afraid of the spice mines of Kessel.

KmartQuality6 karma

Excellent video. It's winter now but I'll head to the big public pool soon.

KmartQuality1 karma

What are your feelings about Zahi Hawass?

He seems like an overly medicated control freak, and if you believe certain "reality shows" he really likes to be that way with young, international graduate students.