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Kingmezs23868 karma

I used to work at a fun museum place in south jersey. People drive for miles to get to this place, and the kids went ape shit once they got there. I loved this place as a kid, but working there madee see the employees would fuck with everyone. Did you guys mess with the kids there? (this is non-sexual, no pedo please)

Kingmezs237 karma

Tobasco on pizza is what sparked my love of spice personally, glad to see im not (that) crazy.

Kingmezs233 karma

Im sorry but I work in a kitchen with 7 chinese migrants, the oldest was a boy during the revolution, worked for a past chinese doctor, and my ideals lean socialist. The older fellow refuses to talk about it as if it were a supressed memory he doesnt want to share with his kids. The doctor moved here because in the 90s he was seeing so many people a day he knew he wasnt helping most of them out. Both moved to america for their families and to avoid the poorly done socialist society where harder work lead to less personal gains. While sure socialism sounds great on paper ive met many people who have nothing but bad things to say about this whole situation, even down to the barefoot doctors.