Highest Rated Comments

Killdeathmachine4 karma

How do you handle your past when it's mostly negative memories? I was refreshing my skills with geometry and it reminded me of how much I did not like high school, and I'd rather just forget the whole thing (but keep the knowledge)

Killdeathmachine1 karma

So I have a crazy theory about the universe that tries to explain the unexplainable things. It's probably wrong and I'm perfectly fine with that; my education came from shows like the universe, enter the wormhole, how the universe works, etc. - but what's the best way to prove myself wrong?

Killdeathmachine1 karma

Is today's music industry even compatible with #1 hits?

Killdeathmachine1 karma

Thanks for the reply!

I feel like a lot of today's consumable media (music and games mostly, I guess) is becoming highly saturated. While it's not a bad thing - and I'm happy there are so many ways for artists to contribute - I wonder if we need new ways to expose ourselves to the different flavors, and bypass advertising, 'top ten' lists, etc. that don't offer enough diversity.

This includes older music too.. I didn't have a lot of musical influence growing up, and feel like I still haven't caught up.