Highest Rated Comments

Kelpsie415 karma

How old are you/were you upon starting HRT?

I've wanted to go through with it for over a decade, but I've always been too scared. I've been too vain to risk ending up looking like a man that went through HRT, rather than a woman. I've never been desperate enough to risk it, I suppose.

Not sure if there's a question in all that, just using your AMA as a place to ramble I guess.

PS: You look fantastic. If I could have any guarantee of coming out the other side looking like you, I'd jump on the opportunity in a second.

Kelpsie12 karma

As a triggered programmer:

if (govA.has_political_wisdom && govB.has_political_wisdom)
    System.out.println("all's well that ends well");

Kelpsie6 karma

To be fair, starting off he was just this kid that posted Youtube videos, and suddenly became a star. At that point, I'd have been proud to know him as a fellow Canadian, even if I didn't like any of his music.

Kelpsie2 karma

Unity3D is super overkill for a project like this, and requires licencing to get it on Android/IOS.