Highest Rated Comments

KeeperofAmmut7187 karma

I'd like to see alcoholism go away and many other things prioritized first before any if that other stuff

Definitely. Is alcohol as big a problem in the pueblos as it in is someplace like Pine Ridge?

KeeperofAmmut762 karma

Better if the Judge went to jail.

KeeperofAmmut728 karma

Life is all about respect and even though we never fully received it, we are taught to be a bigger person, mentally and emotionally.

Hear, hear.

KeeperofAmmut724 karma

To reiterate, why not vultures? They're pretty awesome.

KeeperofAmmut721 karma

Wasn't this situation on a Law and Order episode?

The Judge was funneling the kids to this particular place for their incarceration and s/he was getting kickbacks to make sure they did.

It's a completely unfair set of charges all around.