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Katie_LeClerc46 karma

Sure. Thats the human body. Allergies suck.

Katie_LeClerc36 karma

hahaha my fiancé Brian just walked in with Taco Bell, so I'll be eating that as I continue to answer questions. hahaha

Katie_LeClerc29 karma

As a fellow binge watcher myself, thanks for spending your day with us! I think Switched does a good job of showing diversity within the Deaf culture. Some people think deafness means one thing, you can't hear, while that is true I think you can be Hard of Hearing, profoundly deaf, have menieres disease, have a cochlear implant, or have selective hearing (haha) I think it would be interesting to see Daphne brake her arm or something and see her struggle with the language a bit more.

Katie_LeClerc29 karma

My favorite song is Tiny Dancer by Elton John. I especially love that song because of the moment in Almost Famous when the band gets back together and all is forgiven through the song.

Technically I am not deaf. I have Menieres decease which is a problem with fluid retention in the inner ear. I get ringing and pressure in the ear, fluctuating hearing loss, and attacks of vertigo. Its more annoying than anything else. With everything, if you have a bit of patience and wait it out, I'm usually ok.

I think it would be super rad if Kristen Chenoweth would guest star on Switched. She also has Menieres and I'd love to pick her brain.

My role model is my mom. She's gracious and patient, funny and awesome.

I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat a TON of meet. My family has owned restaurants since before I was born so I'm always in the kitchen. We have a Chinese Restaurant in San Antonio, Texas called Fire Wok, so I'd say our secret family recipes have an asian flair!

Katie_LeClerc28 karma

Of course! The only thing Deaf can't do is hear!