Highest Rated Comments

KamenAkuma493 karma

How do you sell diamonds that you stole? I mean im not looking for tips but iv heared its crazy hard because they can be marked as stolen

KamenAkuma277 karma

Oh yeah totally forgot about that. Now i just need a Diamond fence to make an AMA so i can ask the same question and see where the rabbit hole goes.

KamenAkuma202 karma

What do you think of the US's way of treating prisoners as well as the standards of the "corrections facility" you are working at?

KamenAkuma177 karma

Dude you just helped make a game with just a suggestion. Nice!

KamenAkuma42 karma

I myself am what you call a "Hikikomori" not by choice but by health and circumstance and over the past four and a half years iv read hundreds of books, watched hundreds of TV series and seen almost all movies i found interesting, i ended up resorting to anime and when i got bored of that manga, moved onto western cartoons and gone through that as well and my question is, how do you get over the repetitive grind of boredom that is everyday once you have done everything?