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Kalulosu3 karma

Darn, missed you. I was just wondering, is your username linked to your service? As in, is it a motto in the Bundeswehr, or some kind of phrase you happened upon? It feels pretty cool anyway.

Also, I'm French, I served (not as long as you) in the military and I feel (reading another one of your answers) that the public perception of the Army is pretty similar in our two countries. From my point of view, it felt like Germany was more or less on a "positive" track (as in, went from 0 army to having one, and then to using it because who pays people to sit on ass and "maybe one day do something if we really need them to"?), but that's not what I read from you, quite the reverse in fact, which makes it more similar. So, to sum it up, is it a hatred of all things military, or is it linked to the uniform (we have that pretty often in France: you'd even see firefighters get rocks thrown at them, because "fuck the State, fuck the uniforms"...)? Or something else?

Kalulosu2 karma

No one said their tactics targeted clever people. Reddit's audience is just intelligent enough to counter them. From then, make a deduction.

Kalulosu1 karma

I know, I speak German, my question was to know if this is used in the military or not ;)

Kalulosu1 karma

Oh yeah I remember the Köhler thing! Thanks for the explanation, it's very interesting to see that. While the basic reasons ("we're at peace, no one wants to get into a war again, seriously") are pretty comparable to what we have in France (in our case, we got Viet-Nam + Algeria just after the WW2, so it's more from these that the general public got pretty suspicious of the Army), the feelings seem more heated on your side of the Rhine.

Also, it's a pretty strange thing to say that a bad peace is better than a good war, even though I'm no war lover, history teaches us that it's the exact same state of mind the western democracies adopted with Hitler during his rise ("Oh the Anschluss? Yeah OK, but please stop there"...). Not that I'd know if attacking him head on would've done much good, though. Anyway, as you say, it's out of topic :P

Also, what'd people think about a European Army? It's been thought of for like years and years, but the more our countries try to unite and avoid thinking about wars, the more some things become blattant (having too many forces, and toom any that do the same thing...) imho.

Kalulosu0 karma

I'll give you that. It's just that it seemd quite clear to me that the real sense of the message was "cleverer than what "SEO" techniques target".