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KakashiFNGRL68 karma

Did you think that was nice of her? Did you actually do so, and hid your heritage again in order to survive? How did all of that make you feel? When did you feel like the public opinion of Germany/Germans in your new homeland turned positive? Has there been any moment ever since then that you could feel remotely proud of being German (again if you ever did in the first place)? And if so, why? Do you consider yourself Canadian now if anything?

I understand that of course, the Hakenkreuz is illegal to be displayed in Germany, but that even current day Germans feel reluctant/ashamed of displaying their regular flag, like with soccer matches. Do you think that is warranted? What would you like to say to the descendants of genuine/intentional Nazis who aren't (neo)Nazis/sympathetic themselves?

Thank you for passing along your story and wisdoms, sorry if this comment is overwhelming. Glucklig neu Jahre (ich bin Niederlandisch, Deshalb ist meine Deutsch scheiße, entschuldigung)

KakashiFNGRL9 karma

Considering the amount of nerds on this site, I'm honestly surprised this thread hasn't been flooded already. Then again, I'm in GMT+1, and may have been lucky for once.


** How involved were you with D&D? Presuming you play; What's your favourite character build? Best character back story? Best campaign/jokes? Favourite part about D&D in general? Hopes for its future?

** I've several game ideas, but I'm a writer, not a coder/designer/what have you, what would be my best course of action to bring my video game producing dreams to reality? Indie would be cool, but (assuming they'd be interested) big companies would be fine too. Go ahead and burst some bubbles regarding the 'wonderful' life of videogame makers.

** I want to hear ALL the horrible EA stories! How employees of all kinds are treated (coders, artists, writers, those in the trenches), how problems or issues are treated, all the things we love to hate about EA!

** How did you come onto this path in life? Did you have trouble with school/anxiety/choosing your destiny? What education/skilks would you recommend those desiring to pursuit a career in creating videogames?

I might have follow ups later.

Thank you in advance!

KakashiFNGRL2 karma

It is considered genocide by way of forced assimilation, as they are forcing the Muslim men to lay with Chinese women for children. I haven't heard of them forcing the opposite, but honestly neither should be happening in this day and age.