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I read this as I was taking my dose of prograf along with the other mountain of medication (heart).

Carry a bottle of hand sanitizer and be a gentleman and clean things for her (toilet, dishes, door handles, light switches, shopping carts, etc).

Reading this was awesome. This is a relationship that is bound to last forever.


I think he's referring to people in hollywood redoing things all the time. You understand that some things should only be made once.


If you never have to use an A/C, that's what I consider nice weather.


As a person in the construction business, I think he has done a great job, but there is more to get done. I've employed a few "Dreamers", and they are amazing. Why are we not letting these hard workers become citizens? Many will be our future engineers, but a lot of them can't even afford to go to College because of their status, even with the DACA thing.


I agree. He looks like a young man so he's probably not informed enough about the legal system. Hopefully he avoids saying every detail to avoid this being used against him in court.