Highest Rated Comments

KBZ013 karma

All plans going well and all governments and businesses cooperating when could we hope to have eradicated TB by? Is it possible to eradicate TB like other historical diseases? What does the timeline for this look like? 🤞🤞🤞

And bonus question: best books/resources to read to learn more?

KBZ011 karma

So there is hope that TB could become like the flu/CoVid? A vaccine makes you less likely to contract the disease and very unlikely to face life threatening effects? Would a vaccine require yearly doses like the flu or would one dose make people immune for life?

In terms of the choices of humanity - does an event like the UN high level meeting increase/speed up the likelihood of humans making the right choices? Or is there still a long(ish) way to go? How close are we to a more United response to tuberculosis?

Thanks so much for such an insightful Q&A!

KBZ011 karma

Thank you so much Dr Rich! While decades certainly isn’t as quick as one might hope, humanity has done some extraordinary things quicker than expected.

Just the fact that there IS a way out, a way to lessen the harm of this is hope-inspiring. And I guess every year where TB deaths decrease is a year to be celebrated. Every life saved is important.

Thanks so much all!