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JustNursingAround1724 karma

In 2003 you were known as the girl who was kidnapped, today I think your advocacy work is defining you - in 40 years, when the public hears 'Elizabeth Smart' what do you want them to think of first? Or do desire a life outside the spotlight, where people don't recognize your name?

JustNursingAround945 karma

Maybe be the President?

If not, can you ask your dad? During your ordeal we all fell in love with him!

JustNursingAround8 karma

Hi Matt - I learned to fly as a teenager and have about 200 hours. For the last 15 years, between work school and kids I have been unable to fly, however I am itching to get back in the air. My number one goal is to be safe - how often do you think a pilot should fly to stay sharp and competent? Do you think a pilot should gain an IFR rating to continue skills development? Is aerobatics or gliding another way to increase skills?