Highest Rated Comments

Julianrhobbs45 karma

Have you ever played any Sonic games before you became the current voice for Sonic?

Julianrhobbs7 karma

What was it like working with Andrea Romano?

Julianrhobbs2 karma

Hey Tara, have you ever been to Washington, DC before, if not will you ever make plans to visit there for Awesome Con DC, National Press Club, or any other events?

Julianrhobbs2 karma

Hi Tara, I'm 17 years old, I just wanna say I'm a fan of animation and voice actors like you, you and everyone you've worked with always puts a smile on my face, I have 3 questions for you:

1.Have you ever been to Washington, D.C. before, if not will you ever make any plans to visit there? 2.If Rita from Animaniacs was ever recated in a revival, what would you think if she were voiced by your sis E.G. Daily? 3.Could I get a follow from you, my twitter account is @16Canine.

Julianrhobbs1 karma

What was it like for you when you got to work with Andrea Romano?