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JuiceBusters867 karma

Who were your liberators and could you talk a little about when you first saw them and if you kept in touch with them over the years?

JuiceBusters3 karma

It's one of the best places to live and given the option more people in more countries (given a single choice) would choose to live in the USA.

While they don't have religious political parties like Swedens 'Christian Democrats' or a Christian Cross on their flag (like Sweden for example) or state-sponsored Baptisms or state-sponsored Christian funerals it is true that America has 'extremely religious people'. For example - California's San Francisco is the 'birthplace' of some strict Christian 'evangelical' and 'charismatic revival' movements but in fact all of California has many many devout Christians, worldwide headquarters etc and that is one of the main reasons why the 'Gay Pride Movement' happened and flourished and is safe and strong and protected. Just as the only places on Earth where open 'homosexual communities' exist is in the predonominantly Christians countries. Especially the USA. Because thats where people have a kind of morality that says 'hate the sin but love the sinner and fight and die for the right of the sinner to make their own free will choices good or bad'.

Its true that rarely sometimes homosexuals will gang up and brutally attack and beat a Christian or spit on Priests or even make vile vile comments amongst themselves or be decidedly antichristian (in fact seeking gay marriage mainly because they know it offends Christians) - HOWEVER - generally speaking overall there is very very little violence from any one group to another.

now there IS a horrible rate of murder, kidnapping, date-raping or 'drug raping', brutal physical violence and even torture among homosexuals on other homosexuals yes. It's feared much more goes unreported too due to ideas (perhaps wrongly) but beliefs that it might hurt the gay community or 'look bad on gays' etc.

JuiceBusters3 karma

Harrington Rods here. I always forget the exact code like 'C4 to LX' but its pretty much the maximum and still surprises any new medical folks who see my X-rays for the first time. Some suggested 'overkill' with the rods.

Anyways, I'd like to hear you talk about 'hidden disability'. You know, for many of us we look just fine. If you happen to be young and healthy looking its even 'worse'.

My worst issue on that is whenever trying to explain to people why I cannot carry out labour. It's gotten to where I don't say anything because if I tell them I have 'back problems' its instantly met with rolling eyes and of course they heard that before and associate it with welfare abusers, false insurance claims, 'excuses' to take sick days from work. Often the same people want to cite a relative or themselves who had back problems (not realizing the tremendous difference in degree).

I can remember walking to a rehabilitation program with a guy who'd lost his foot just above the ankle. He was telling me (again, he told me this) that he felt sorry for me. He would only need to roll up his pants revealing a prosthetic foot and would be treated like gold, doors opened, sympathy and totally access to all the programs but I'd be screwed since I had my metal rods hidden inside yet (he boasted correctly) he was 10X more physically capable than I could ever be. (seriously, he was, he could even kick a football way easier than I could WITH his prosthetic foot!).

But have you ever experienced a lot of this? Call it unfair discrimination, call it visual bias, call it ignorance but have you experienced this in workplace, government programs and then in social situations? Where a 'hidden disability' is downplayed, disliked, disbelieved or along those lines?

JuiceBusters3 karma

I'd like to know why you've chosen this sexist/racist category and not into missing women and men?

I'd also like to know why you think there is a 'serial killer' and not just various separate incidents?

JuiceBusters3 karma

When you see 20 year old girls (and boys) strung out on heroin sucking off drunks in Vancouver alleys for $20 and all so they can die a little slower - do you ever hallucinate a little blood on your hands?