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Joy2b53 karma

IRL, yes, particularly if it’s fully expanded and almost dry.

That can cause that distinctive Stop Now pain that doesn’t hurt a lot yet, but kicks in just before you tear something.

Joy2b46 karma

Volunteering with a political campaign is a common way to learn the ropes, master all the basic skills, start building up relationships, and learn to read and recruit from the local landscape of people.

There's a myth that people run for Congress. Teams run for Congress. Best of luck!

Joy2b11 karma

It sounds like some fairly simple things would make your life much better.

Having a home healthcare aide drop in once a day can make limited mobility much more bearable. They can help with the daily basics like getting you into a chair, and many I know spend time with people doing fun things, one guy I know goes out to the gym and the beach regularly.

Moving to a wheelchair & crutch accessible home or converting a downstairs room to your primary living room should remove huge obstacles. Many an unused dining room has become a bedroom when people needed a more mobility friendly home.

Advocating for your healthcare needs is a part time job, and it's not an easy one, but it's worth it.

I'd start by jotting down an honest list of what you're having trouble doing daily, and call 211 for some referrals.

Joy2b8 karma

With working anxiously from home becoming so pervasive, I could see demand for this getting serious quickly.

Two questions:

1 - How well equipped are you and your data center(s) to handle spikes and drops in new users?

2 - Is your app able to automatically pause music when people get phone calls or get into videoconferences?

People working from home are suddenly working much more from their cell phones, and yet also want to be able to go to them as a source of comfort or white noise. Balancing the two without being distracted can be very tricky, so solutions to that can be valuable.

Joy2b8 karma

Zachary_Stark: This may be significantly higher risk for you. Make sure you are at least somewhat prepared for what it brings up.

A round of talk therapy followed by EMDR is an option for preparation. It can help you bring up and process memories at a manageable pace beforehand. It also ensures you have a trusted source for support afterwards if needed.

It is also a good idea to make sure you have life stability, and you have long term emotional supports available.

- What has your experience been with treating vets who had both adult and childhood traumas?

  • How long do you keep following up with patients afterwards?

  • Have you ever observed this bringing unnoticed mental health issues up to the point of visibility?