Highest Rated Comments

JoshPawelczyk4 karma

Are any of you guys Zelda fans? If so, what's you favorite game?

JoshPawelczyk2 karma

This is a question for Chris and/or Travis. While at Musicians Institute, what style of guitar did you study?

JoshPawelczyk2 karma

Hey guys, this is question is for anybody. I'm in a band, and we independently released our first album this summer through CDBaby. I noticed you guys went through The Orchard's distribution service. Was there any reason to have chosen The Orchard as opposed to a different distribution service? Thanks!

JoshPawelczyk1 karma

This is a question for anybody. For a band trying to break out of the local scene, is there a reasonable way to hop on to a tour with a larger band, or is it mainly through connections? In other words, is it out of line/frowned upon to just ask say the booking manager to join in on a tour?