Highest Rated Comments

JonBensonDesigns53 karma

Hello, There has been a lot of reporting from artists (including myself) who use the SP3 of a distinct "jitter" to the Pen when trying to make slow careful passes. This jitter makes creating fine smooth lines near impossible. You can get a good idea of the problem at this forum: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/surfpro3-surfupdate/surface-3-wavy-diagonal-lines-when-inking/78c138e5-50db-4544-a988-6023a84b9675?page=1&tm=1428084568215

Are there any plans to fix this flagrant error in the Pen or will those who have reported this problem continue to be met with skepticism and denial from Microsoft and N-Trig support?

JonBensonDesigns22 karma

Thank you for the reply. That was the honest, straight-forward and technical response I was hoping for. I'll keep fiddling around in Photoshop and see if there are any brush settings I can muster up to reduce the jitter. Looking forward to a better future.

JonBensonDesigns7 karma

Thanks for the link. That's the technical, straight-forward and honest answer I was looking for. So I guess the tech just isn't quite there yet unfortunately. Looking forward to the future though.