Highest Rated Comments

Johnny_Carcinogenic56 karma

Good question. Also, What kind of career tracks are there for this type of education?

Johnny_Carcinogenic53 karma

Iss there any viable option on the horizon for significantly dealing with the enormous volume of plastic already in our oceans?

Johnny_Carcinogenic37 karma

I am very conscious of trying to curtail my personal use of plastics, but I do understand how some can feel overwhelmed by the size of the problem and the sheer volume of single use plastics flooding our environment. I hope they understand how their small changes can have a bigger impact.

Johnny_Carcinogenic14 karma

Hello. I was wondering about your interaction and integration with the local cultures. Did you feel like you were part of the local culture or were you more isolated?

Johnny_Carcinogenic9 karma

Thank you for the answer. How many languages would you say you are conversational in now.