Highest Rated Comments

John_Blair7 karma


I HATE everything about running. I hate the anticipation right before the run. I Hate the clothing. I hate how I feel while I'm running. I hate how I feel when I stop. I hate that I have ran later that afternoon. It's painful, depleting, depressing, and boring.

But. I love my girlfriend and she loves to run.

What is it that you love about torturing your self for hours running? What can I do to shift my perspective?

John_Blair2 karma

I will say that Running is the one activity that I've seen major and rapid progress.

I remember when a half mile made me feel like I was dying, and I'm almost able to run, with out walking, a full 5k (I know. I suck.) but it's not getting any better. My girl is energized and excited after a run. I want to curl up and die.