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JohnSnowsPump19 karma

That's the taste of formic acid. 🐜 🍋

JohnSnowsPump10 karma

Besides the Wilhelm Scream, are there other effects used so much their use has become satirical? It's clear that some sounds are used repeatedly over the years.

One thing I find hilarious is that the stock sound for the Bald Eagle is the actual call of the Red Tailed Hawk because it sounds better. Eagles really make cute little chirpy sounds.

I also hear the same stock sound of a hospital in so many places. "Dr. Davis, telephone please. Dr. Blair, Dr. Blair…Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Jay Hamilton.”

JohnSnowsPump1 karma

Ethan! Long time fan, first time caller. Thanks for being you.

I'm curious about the policy implications of the expanding understanding of cannabinoids. Now that the cannabinoid system is being better understood and "new" cannabinoids are being studied, it seems like enforcement will be harder to both justify and to effectively regulate and be too burdensome to be effective. What then, re-classification under the CSA? What's on the horizon for medical understanding of cannabinoids?

I'll check out the podcast. Rock on!