Highest Rated Comments

JohnDio163 karma

Will we ever see a new Unreal/Unreal Tournament game? And since Epic started as a company that pushed the graphical boundaries on the PC (Unreal), will we ever see a 'graphical juggernaut' from Epic?

JohnDio19 karma

Serious Sam 3 looked gorgeous, so I'd like to ask some tech questions. What do you guys think of Unreal Engine 4 and CryEngine 3? Is the Serious Engine capable of rivaling them, and is it DX11-ready and 'next-gen'-ready? In other words, does it support displacement mapping, tessellation, etc? Moreover, will you push the graphical boundaries on the PC with Serious Sam 4?

JohnDio3 karma

Questions about the PC version:

1) How are the PC sales, are you satisfied? We can clearly see that FC3 is better optimized for the PC than AC3 PC, therefore will future AC ports follow FC3's example?

2) Any plans for a possible HD Resolution Pack?

3) Even though DX9 works great, users have been experiencing performance issues with the DX11 API. Are you investigating those performance issues?