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John-Peter-5009 karma

Hi Andrew

I have a question about trans humanism and is that what are the problems with trans humanism like I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people who are critics of it and like for example mine uploading like there’s multiple factors of scientific and philosophical issues to address like there’s a lot of problems with mine uploading that people say it makes it in theoretically impossible because we don’t know what truly happens when you upload someone’s mind to a computer it raises so much questions like is it really you or a copy? This is a philosophical question that I feel like it can never be answered because we can only assume but we can never be sure what truly happens when someone uploads of mind to a computer? So might take us what do you think about the critics and people who say mind uploading is impossible based on what I just said I look forward to your response.

John-Peter-5001 karma

What are you supposed to do if you suffer like depression like very deep severe depression and you don’t have enough money to afford therapy or help what are you supposed to do?