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JoeRuinsEverything821 karma

Why not Skyler? Can you imagine a brief romance between Chuck and Skyler?

I fucked Chuck.

The internet would go insane.

JoeRuinsEverything53 karma

Sorry, currently our video library can only be watched from within the United States

And we're back to pirating... it's 2012 god damn it. Fuck this country restricted crap.

JoeRuinsEverything42 karma

Where is this from? I watch Dodger's and Jesse's video a lot, but haven't seen this one.

JoeRuinsEverything33 karma

How is it possible to show that series on an airplane? Did they take out all the nudity? One episode must be like 2 minutes long then.

JoeRuinsEverything25 karma

Ever used "the stranger" on yourself?

Oh and did Weird Al partner up with a different site for every video release day? That's freaking smart.