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JeremyBreitenbach177 karma

Hello, u/Many_Two1446 It's nice to meet you. I'd say games which either are audio based or text based (for those who have no vision). Another notetaker a BrailleNote Apex (which I still sometimes use) actually had a games menu containing text adventure games. Some of which were quite fun.

JeremyBreitenbach117 karma

u/Pr0veIt thank you for sharing. I will pray for your son. I'd say that if, when he is older, he finds a passion like wrfting was for me and becoming an author was for me to never give up on his dream and remain persistent. And always to know your close friends and family will always be there and support you.

JeremyBreitenbach57 karma

u/lumberjackalopes thank you. I'd say the biggest hurdle in creating/writing my book was the same with sighted authors; dealing with writer's block occasionally and other things that got me stuck at times. As far as publishing I reached out online to various places and publishers. As far as writing my book I wrote it (or rather, brailled it lol) on a device called a Braille 'n Speak. Then, after it was finished using the BNS I translated the document into a .doc file so that sighted people could read it. Since then, I have gotten two other devices - two different braille notetakers - a BrailleSense Polaris made by HIMS, Inc. and the one I use more often a BrailleNote Touch Plus made by HumanWare. Both of which use an Android os as - Polaris (Android 5.1.1) and BNT+ (Android 8.1.1). I mainly use the Plus for my writing now and accessing the internet, apps, and all my several social media accounts. In fact, I am using the Touch Plus at this very moment to answer every question.

JeremyBreitenbach42 karma

I have other social media. A Facebook page, Discord, a Subreddit, Skype group, Facebook group and YouTube channel. I can post all the links if requested. Links to my Facebook page, Twitter, Skype group, subreddit, and YouTube are on my Reddit profile. The description in my subreddit r/JeremyBreitenbach has links to all my social media.

JeremyBreitenbach26 karma

u/bit99 IT by Stephen King.