Highest Rated Comments

JediChris1138942 karma

Who will win the LGBT bathroom debate in North Carolina: The U.S. Government, or the State?

JediChris11384 karma

You told me George betrayed and murdered those characters.

JediChris11382 karma

Ah! I have tons of questions. Firstly, have guys ever considered designing special hardware for pro? It's an awesome, open market. I used to be a VFX artist (now producer). We have a constant need for LOTS of cooling, but it also needs to be QUIET!

2.) Do you happen to get preview parts from card companies? Do you design the cases around modern profiles?

3.) The phantom cases are AMAZING! Where do you guys draw explanations for that kind of stuff?

4.) How do you design and test your CPU coolers? In college, I experimented with designing a peltier cooled CPU system. Have you guys eve considered something like that?

You guys make equipment like a boss! I'm about to build a new PC for both myself and my sister (who graduated from college yesterday!) and I'm totally picking up some heavy-duty cases - and they'll be PHANTOM!

Thanks guys! Hope I'm not entirely too late!!

JediChris11382 karma

Rats, I missed this! I had many questions!

JediChris11381 karma

I have heard that Battlestar Galactica, of all things, is the most accurate reflection of life on a Navy sub for those there. Is this true?