Highest Rated Comments

JeanLafitteTheSecond6 karma

First, thank you for doing this. I'm on a registry, too because I lost a friend who needed a donor and the donor backed out. What should I be doing now to make sure I'm ready if I'm called to be a donor?

JeanLafitteTheSecond3 karma

Thank you. I guess matches are rare, but I know little about what makes someone a good match. I thought that because of my genetics and my ethnic group's cultural attitude towards donation of one's body would mean I am more in demand (people are hesitant to donate even blood), but so far nothing. If it means that I'm not called to donate then I'd like to think it's because someone isn't sick. I'm here in case someone needs me though.

JeanLafitteTheSecond2 karma

Thank you so much for your advice and donation.