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Jaywearspants228 karma

This seems to indicate that mars is closer to the end of its life cycle than a younger planet like Earth (as in, a long while ago mars had flowing water, oceans, and likely life.. now it's mostly arrid) What are your thoughts on that? I can hardly fathom what kind of life may have once been on Mars - but it's kind of depressing to think that it is something that was once but unless terraforming becomes a thing - Mars will remain a grave stone of a world where life once may have thrived.

Jaywearspants38 karma

They are successful though. Whether you think so or not - they have failings sure - but they were successfully launched and are for the most part all quality games with some issues.

Jaywearspants2 karma

No question but I'm fairly certain I've been to your gas station before :) Thanks for the service! Essex County represent.

Jaywearspants2 karma

Whats your best advice for an American who has never been to Ireland but plans on going next March?