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JayH199023 karma

how long does it take for you to get over the death of a person that you were trying to save? (i assume that has happened to you once or twice) Do you feel guilty? (even though that is irrational) Do you dream of their faces?

JayH19903 karma

You said that horse riding is more dangerous than exctasy. Now I used to ride horses every day for 12 years and the only injuries I ever got were two broken ribs and one broken toe (and that was only because my gigantic horse stood on my foot and didn't want to get off it. When I went to a festival last year I tried out Molly (which I understand is mdma in its "cleaner" form?). I absolutely loved it, it was just great, but I did worry a bit about maybe getting something thats mixed with something else (like cleaners, anything thats chemical and possibly dangerous). Isnt the chance for that even higher with exctasy? And also, isn't the actual reason "happy drugs" are dangerous because they are addictive and in the long run can slowly destroy your body instead of injuring you once when you fall of a horse? How high is the chance in your eyes to get a "bad pill" by the way?

JayH19901 karma

Why can I remember relatively long passcodes, digits etc only if I actually type them into a keyboard or other device? I love learning languages but here also a "feeling" for the language helps me learning it quickly. I don't conciously do it, I just somehow get a feeling for what's correct without having learned it. Does this mean that I am bad at conciously remembering things while my brain somehow works it out by itself? This is really funny I think. Jay

JayH19901 karma

Hej, Jeg bor i Norge og her i Stavanger er mesteparten av busssjafførene polske og snakke ikke Norsk eller Engelsk...det er ganske irriterende faktisk fordi man ikke kan spørr noe og ofte får man ikke kjøpt den riktige billetten en gang. Er det likt i Sverige? I tillegg til det så er de oftest så utrolig frekke til kundene, skriker ting på polsk til deg på grunn av missforståelser og generelt kjører som de er fulle.... det er de kanskje også. Jeg spør om det er sånn i Sverige også fordi jeg skal flytte til Luleå neste måned og da kommer jeg til å bruke bussen hver dag