Highest Rated Comments

Jay931328 karma

I was going to ask the same question as /u/iamfromaustria. As a follow up, do you think the government will create sweeping legislation that will affect the rc community as a whole, or just legislation that will help prevent these specific situations?

Jay931328 karma

Puedo ir al bano?

Jay93133 karma

Money. The military offers money and amazing benefits for families and can lead to a retirement at 38 years old with tons of skills to get another job and have a second retirement before 60

Jay93131 karma

You noted weight gain, and you said "muscle or fat".

Would you care to elaborate on that? Do some gain muscle? Do some gain fat? Or are you unsure of which they're gaining, you're just noting that there is weight gain?

Jay93130 karma

But I would inside that if any pilot reported any rc aircraft, it would be pretty easy to have a security officer or law enforcement officer follow it back to the landing site.