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JamesTiberiusChirp74 karma

On mother's day, you put out the following tweet: "I agree w/ Hillary, it’s time to elect a woman for President. But I want that President to reflect the values of being a mother."

Do you think a woman's ability to hold powerful positions such as the presidency are limited to those who choose motherhood? I'm a current Bernie supporter, and I support you and the Green Party (I have voted Green Party in the past), but there was something about this quote that bothered me as a woman and a feminist. In particular, holding values of parenthood is not asked of male candidates. Why is this something that you feel is important to ask of the only female candidate to run in this race currently? (especially one that literally is a mother?). To me, as a woman, the question just seems like another way to police other women. Could you please give me some more context or explain further what you meant by this comment?

Edit: I think Dr. Stein already went to bed, but after looking into this further, I believe what she meant by this was that Mother's Day was founded initially as an anti-war protest, Clinton does not have the best policy regarding military endeavors -- some consider her to be hawkish -- and as such does not embody the original spirit of Mother's Day. I'm going to give Dr. Stein the benefit of the doubt here, though I still think her phrasing is still absolutely problematic, as is the need to call women but not men out on this (Father's day of course was not founded as a war protest but simply that men wanted the same type of appreciative holiday, so I'm on the fence whether or not similar comments about embodying the values of fatherhood are required on Father's Day). Here are her sentiments regarding Mother's Day in long form on her website.

JamesTiberiusChirp37 karma

Probably due to typical reddit misogyny. Women can't possibly be hockey refs, so they demand exceeding proof that they wouldn't demand on men. Like a professional version of making "fake geek/gamer/comicbook girls" prove it.

JamesTiberiusChirp31 karma

As physicians, why do you think it's ok to call some breast cancer survivors ugly or unattractive? These women didn't ask for the results of their surgery, let alone to get cancer, or to be judged for their looks by their physicians. As physicians, why do you think it's so important that we continue to emphasize women's beauty and their breasts above survivorship? Do you think people who have just battled or are still battling cancer should be so focused on their looks in context of what is going on in their lives?

JamesTiberiusChirp24 karma

How did you sterilize your hands/the cup on the trail? Did you have multiple cups that you could just switch out? I hate using mine in public restrooms and I have access to running water and soap. I can't imagine using one on the trail

JamesTiberiusChirp17 karma

Oh my issue isn't the shame as much as it is sanitation (not being able to wash my hands before shoving them up there while on the trail). But I imagine you probably have sanitizers or whatever.