Highest Rated Comments

Jaded_Ad737630 karma

Hi Kirsty, how does the $100M debt function for your business?

Jaded_Ad737617 karma

Love the shades! Could you give an example of a 'corrupt process' that negatively affect artists? Thanks in advance

Jaded_Ad73763 karma

Hi, hope you’re all well today. I’m interested in the work you’re doing and thanks for sharing your findings. I was wondering what motivated Mozilla to fund your research? Evidently it’s important work, I’m curious as to how Mozilla got involved. Thanks in advance and have a good evening

Jaded_Ad73762 karma

Hi, congratulations on your new film and thanks for the link! My question is; over the 3 years of making 'Ogun Ola' did your ideas for the film change from what you had originally envisioned? If so how much would you say?
