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J_Keezey88 karma

If evangelicals oppose same sex marriage based on biblical opposition (rather than bigotry) then why didn't they fight as ferociously to deny wedding licenses to non-virgin brides, divorcees, and adulterers?

J_Keezey83 karma

Given the tidal wave of human suffering in the world, was there any sense that they should be harnessing their resources for loftier goals than defeating same sex marriage?

J_Keezey19 karma

How do evangelicals decide which biblical admonitions to follow? They seem to have singled gays out for scorn but I don't hear much about gluttony (obesity), premarital sex, divorce, etc.

J_Keezey6 karma

Did the evangelicals you spoke with ever question why, if God is on their side, they keep losing?

J_Keezey5 karma

The difference is I don't see them trying to codify any of these items into law. They're happy to pass venomously anti LGBT nonsense but I've never seen a movement to, say, outlaw divorce. If they only kept their hatred of LGBT in their churches I wouldn't really care. What gets me is claiming fealty to the constitution & loathing "big government" while simultaneously using the government to impose theocratic nonsense that violates the constitution.