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JLH993280 karma

Working in the IT industry (for a decade at this point), I feel that imposter syndrome is something myself and others in the same industry face quite often. I have always assumed this is partly due to the constantly evolving field we work in; new tools, new technologies, new standards, new titles, etc. and feeling that it’s almost impossible to stay up-to-date with everything.

Have you noticed a correlation between this phenomenon and certain job types or areas of study?

JLH99348 karma

Thanks a bunch for your response! You bring up an interesting point about feeling the need to be an "expert" on everything - I most definitely struggle with this myself.
There are so many ways to solve the same problem and a lot of eyes turn our way when there is an issue, looking for answers and a fast solution. I can troubleshoot well, and don't mind being in the trenches, but I do feel this is something I wear on my shoulders often.

I am currently working as a Principal SRE for those interested, but I also found times experiencing this as a Unix/Linux Engineer in previous jobs. I think in both positions, a lingering feeling that I needed to be an expert on all of the things and have all the answers contributed to this feeling.