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J-J-J-J-JENGAAA30 karma

I don't care about my IT department. So I unfortunately found out that Hitler did play the piano. Can't win 'em all.

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA11 karma

Hey guys! I don't have a question right now, but I just want to say thank you for all that you do. You've inspired people to take chances and LIVE instead following a straight line into normalcy. You've inspired me so much, and I really just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA10 karma

My favorite scene hands down in Love Actually is when you broke out dancing to the Pointer Sisters. Where did you learn those great moves?

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA9 karma

I left the lifeless state of Delaware and now I'm living in Nashville, TN - living my dream of working in the music industry! =)

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA9 karma

What's the most inspiring story that you guys have heard from someone you've met along your travels?