Highest Rated Comments

IzzyBlue609 karma

Lol nice one. I'll paste what I posted up there-

I'd read in an askreddit thread what it feels like to be shot, and someone there phrased it best- "like being punched with hot metal." At first I thought it was just fireworks, with it being close to New Year's. But it hit me and felt like hot liquid metal flying across my head, and I remembered reading that reddit comment, and when the blood started pouring down my face, I knew I had been shot. The physical pain wasn't the worst part- after a minute or so the blood had filled my eyes, and I was completely blinded. Everything was white, and I remember thinking, maybe this was dying, maybe everything just goes white. Or maybe there was a bullet lodged in a part of my brain that helps me see, and I might go blind forever. Luckily my eyes started watering and I could see soon after.

IzzyBlue412 karma

Wow, thank you for your response. That's really crazy. And thank you for getting me help so quickly, I couldn't even believe how fast they came. I can't thank you all enough for how smoothly it all went, I really appreciate your service.

IzzyBlue309 karma

Dude, so much blood. Completely coated my whole head/face/chest, my boyfriend's arms, the towels we had, and my dress. You would've thought my skull was split and I was spilling my life force everywhere, but nope. A moderately sized wound, no bigger than what you would get from cracking your head too hard on a table corner.

IzzyBlue289 karma

From what I can personally tell, the person seemed to be aiming at the sign, and didn't consider that the bullets would keep going beyond it, or could possibly veer off once hitting it. I don't want to assume he was aiming at us, though we were in plain sight from the street. It gives me the chills to consider someone might want the thrill of killing someone innocent in cold blood. I've been switching between a euphoric, unreasonably grateful for everything state and a scared of everything, reliving the moment vividly state-without much in between. I'm hoping to settle soon on being incredibly thankful for my life instead of being anxious about what could have been, or what might be. It's a weird thing, knowing that something as simple as sitting up a bit higher could have snuffed out my life immediately. It makes me wonder how close I have been to death countless other times, and not even known. Thank you for your kind words :)

IzzyBlue206 karma

Haha yes! Thank god I am a sorry loaf of a human being!