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Itsmydouginabox67 karma

From Cleveland, have been deployed and through a hurricane in LA (not Katrina).

Browns still worst thing I know of...

Itsmydouginabox3 karma

Tony. I have a couple statements and questions. First off, thanks for this. You don't see many TPD survivors talk about what is going on and that I believe that is why veteran suicide rate is so high. I served as a 19D from 07-10 and sent 08-10 in Northern Iraq. I experienced a lot of events that I had to go through therapy to be able to bring up in conversation and not just shut down. Everything from taking a man's life even though he was doing us harm, to help remove body parts (children) from a 12 ton VBIED in June of 09 (Taza Iraq) . How did you start the process and more importantly was it covered under any insurance? Since it was possibly experimental did they pay you for it? And what is the biggest message you want other survivors to take away from all this.


Scouts Out

Itsmydouginabox3 karma

Hi, if you are still doing this AMA, I'd love to know if the humming bird I have on my arm is a true species or just a representation. http://imgur.com/a/MKYXq6r

Do you recognize this species?

My wife's grandmother was pretty special to me and loved hummingbirds. In her memory, my wife and I got hummingbird tattoos from different pictures/artwork she had in her house.

Thanks for your time!