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Ithacan857 karma

What's your favorite Star Wars movie?

Ithacan155 karma

Our suits are usually call "turn out gear" or "bunks".

Turn out gear isn't made to walk through fire. There are a lot of different styles of turn out gear, but they all fail after being subjected to time and heat. Most fail quickly (think around one minute, maybe less in hotter fires) when they are in direct contact with fire.

There are multiple layers inside our jacket/pants that prevent some heat from getting to us. They definitely keep us alive, but after a few minutes you start to feel the heat (to the point where you can get a contact burn by pressing the gear against a wall or person, causing your gear to press up against you). People with piercings can also get burns around the area where the metal is.

Ithacan27 karma

Keep your tree adequately watered at all times. More dry = more chance for fire. Those old school lights are definitely hot and could eventually cause smoke or a full blown fire. Grab some LED lights for your tree if you are concerned about the heat!

Ithacan8 karma

Without going into detail: a fourteen day old baby's death.

Keep in mind: that can be a really delicate subject to talk about with a lot of guys, so be prepared for no answer/some flak if you ask a lot of firefighters.